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Foundation: Why Are Fathers Heads of the Family?

Writer's picture: TravisDean-MaxeyTravisDean-Maxey

Father's must be foundational or the building crumbles

My two most recent houses had foundation issues. They needed to be promptly taken care of lest the house incur damage that was too costly to repair. I fear this is the case for most family units because they are built upon a foundation of shifting sand. The proper foundation is time-tested and fruit-bearing, built on the Father's authority.

So, why are fathers heads of the family? The family unit must be built upon something to endure and bear fruit. Most of the world today is still built on the idea of a patriarch or male headship of the home. Men and women being created differently have shared roles in the family, but only one can lead. The role of the Father is one of protector, provider, and disciplinarian with the responsibility of leading his family towards their shared vision and values. The family unit built on the Father's broad shoulders bears enduring fruit for generations.

See The Model Father for more on the Father's role and responsibilities.

With so many families falling apart, examining why the Father is the head of the home is essential.

Fathers as Heads of the Family

A Broken Foundation

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to examine the evidence of a crumbling society. The culture around us is crumbling, and I am just waiting for the collapse. Grown men dress like women, and women dress like men. There is confusion over identity and purpose. There is fighting and quarreling like toddlers over things that should not logically be fought over. This observation could go on and on, but you get the point.

Since the 1950s, our culture has experienced a shift in family structure. Where men, as fathers, led the household before, households are predominantly led by women now. Not only are families led by women, but women are the predominant teachers in early education and religious organizations. The lack of men leading in any sphere has destroyed the family unit and the world.

A Restored Foundation

The good news is that the damage can be reversed before the building falls. The bad news is that it will take a lot of hard work. When repairing a broken house, dirty and back-breaking work is involved. It is no different when repairing the damage to the family unit because it was built on the wrong foundation. This cannot be done alone; it must be a decision shared between the Father and mother, who work towards this together.

The Proper Foundation

The only time-tested and fruit-bearing foundation is where the Father is the head of the family.

What does this mean:

  • It means that the Father is the leader.

  • It means that the Father leads with gentle authority.

  • It means that the Father models vision and values.

  • It means that the Father protects, provides, and disciplines the whole individual (physical, emotional, and spiritual)

  • It means that the Father is present in the family.

  • It means that the Father parents his children.

  • It means that the Father instructs his children.

  • It means that the Father selflessly lays aside his wants for the needs of the family.

Is there more? Yes. But this is a good starting point.


Fathers shoulder colossal responsibility. They must be the living model for their family to follow. They are walking the talk. Sons will act like their fathers, and daughters will look to marry someone like their Fathers. How far are you in your journey as a father from being the model for your home? That's a big question with enormous consequences! How much will your current state of fatherhood cost your family in the long run?

Related Questions

Why is the Father called the head of the family? In a patriarchal society where the family takes the man's last name, the male is considered the head of the home. This is in theory and should be in practice, but it's not always true. Though most families take the Father's last name, they are led by the mother, which, in the long run, causes a broken family unit.

Is the Father/dad the head of the family? The Father should be the head of the family. It is the only model that stands the test of time and bears consistent positive fruit when the Father leads well. The problem is that most of the time, though the family takes the Father's last name, he is not the leader of the home. This leads to a shifting foundation and, eventually, a broken family unit.

Why is the Father considered the head of the family? We live in a patriarchal society, and this culture was built on male headship because it works and, when appropriately exercised, bears good fruit. The problem is not with male headship. It is with a lack of male headship. Fathers must take their role as head of the family seriously before their family crumbles.

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